Tuesday, October 23, 2012

HUMAN RESOURCE Performance Management System

Performance management (PM) is a process where the manager and employee create goals and plan to be achieved and the goals must based on the operational plan of the organization together with the employee development path. The performance management system included with the performance appraisal and the employee development are said to be one of human resource management’s risk or issues.



The PM system

In the performance management system, there are four things to be looked out or focused on which are; typical data inputs, typical reports, data outflows and decision support.

Typical Data Inputs

    • Data inputs in PM systems include the organizational-, job- and individual-level-data.
    • Organizational level data: consist of links to organizational and unit goals also the strategies and business plans. The performance plan should align with unit and organizational plans.
    • Job level data: the flow of key tasks, responsibilities and outcomes from job data sets to individual performance plans.
    • Individual level data: a set of data that include all the performance criteria developed by the manager for the subordinate, the certain or particular measures that will be used to rate the subordinate’s performance on each criterion also the performance standards for each measure.

Typical Reports

    • A standardize reports from HRIS is the performance contract and the annual summary appraisal for each employee.
    • HRIS need to have the capability of archiving the data for long-term performance trends for the individuals and groups can be tracked for the next period’s assessment.

Data Outflows

    • Data from performance mostly channeled into compensation system. This is to identified either the employee should be rewarded or otherwise from the performance result.
    • The data also used for training and development of the employee (so that the training needs can be analyzed based on current weaknesses in employee performance).
    • Staffing also use data from performance where the aggregated strengths and weaknesses of currently needed skills and competencies can trigger recruitment and staffing goals.

Decision Support

    • Gathered performance criteria, performance measures, performance standards and recent performance documentation in one place allows managers to keep tracks of hoe each direct report is doing and what solutions need to be made to improve the performance (Evans, 2001).
    • A good interfaces of performance management modules and training with the development modules can lead manager or direct report to training programs or any other activities for development based on specific performance problems noted.
    • Automated PM system allow the managers to track the administrative aspect of PM.


The web-based performance system allow the managers to access, extract and assess their employee faster and smoothly. It also helps a lot when the performance appraisal need to be calculated empirically. This is because, the system can help them to calculate and extract the percentage for them instead of the managers need to calculate it manually. Other than that, the PM software also can be categorized either as preformatted appraisal systems (a systems that allow the developmental of customized appraisals) or as a systems that diagnose performance problems. Web-based system also provide a calibration tool for the employee performance ratings that allows for visual inspection of the distribution of ratings for a population.



    1. Armstrong, M. (2006). Performance management: Key strategies and practical guidelines (3rd ed.). London: Kogan Page.

    2. Kamini Teotia (2012). Role of HRIS in Performance Evaluation & Decision Making. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol.2 Issue 4.

Human Resource Recruiting and Staffing

In order to remain as competitive organization in this recent challenging world, the management of the company should find an ideal and efficient way to maximize their competency mode. Planning the recruitment and staffing of new employees into the organization is one of the solution to be one of the competitive organization worldwide.

For this topic, I choose to discuss about the benefits and costs of using Web-based Recruiting and Staffing in organization.


Recruiting/recruitment is a process of having the right person, in the right place, at the right time.

Staffing/selecting is a process of selecting the right person to be the employee of the organization.


The rapid changes in term of technology and system sometimes forces an organization to be always up-to-date with the latest technologies and software. Web-based recruiting and staffing is one of the latest web-based planning system in management. It make the process of recruiting and staffing easier since almost all the process being done online and computerized. Mostly, the company will send the information of job vacancies to the commercial job posting company. From here, the company also included the criteria needed for the job position.



    • It is easy to use. The company just need to send the information of job vacancy, the criteria needed for the job and other details related to the job position.
    • Develop short list for interview. This may be seen when the applicants who apply for the job fulfilled the criteria or otherwise. If the applicant lacking from the criteria needed, he/she may be terminated from the applicant’s list.
    • Feedback to candidates. It is easy for the company to inform the applicants if they have been accepted for the interview or otherwise.
    • Opportunity for in-house employees. They become aware of these opening and may apply for either transfer, promotion or development activities related to their careers
    • Help HR success in new system. Thus can be seen when the company want to have continuity planning, talent management and employee development. HR staffs able to assist the company in development and implementation of practices and procedures that maximize the potential and enhance the contributions of a diverse workforce.


According to Mathis and Jackson (2005), web-based recruiting and staffing also has their disadvantages that come directly from the nature of Internet which is broad exposure. This may lead to piling of work for the HR recruiters since there will be more emails to be read, more resumes to be reviewed from applicants who apply for the job position.


    • The company should also install software to help the HR recruiters to extract the applicants resumes and email.
    • The company also need to consider that even though we lived in a knowledge economy, as the educators and HR professional, they should be able to a good rapport with people either outside or inside their working area.


  1. Cohen, D. (2001). Web-based recruiting and staffing. In A. Walker & T. Perrin (Eds.), Web-based human resources: The technologies and trends that are transforming HR (pp. 52-64). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
  2. Allen, G. D., Mahto, R. V., & Otondo, R. F. (2007). Web-based recruitment: Effects on information, organizational brand, and attitudes toward a Web site on applicant attraction. Journal of Applied Psycholgy, 92, 1696-1708.

Monday, October 22, 2012

GLOBALIZING HRIS: The Transnational Model

Human Resource Information System is used in two different ways which are system in managing human resource in the organization and the other one as computer-based application that process all the human resource information in the organization. HRIS is defined as “a computerized tool for the collection, storage, maintenance and retrieval of information about people and their jobs.”
As we go through the century, we know that we need to follow and getting adapt to the changes, especially in globalization. To adapt with those changes, managers and top management should identify HRIS organizational model that suit their business and organization culture. From this topic, I know that there are 4 types of HRIS model that can be used in an organization which are:-
1.       Multinational HRIS
2.       Global HRIS
3.       International HRIS
4.       Transnational HRIS
But here, I will explain about the latest HRIS model which is TRANSNATIONAL HRIS.
From what have been taught in class, I noted that the other three models did not include all three demands needed in business world which are; the sensitivity towards requirement of local business units, the efficiencies of centralized system and the keenness of sharing learning and innovation with other units worldwide. Thus, a completely new model (Transnational HRIS) was set up to resolve this paradox. This model treat all local business units as the resources distributer and each of the units have the same not more nor less power or autonomy in dealing their business units. This model is appropriate with large multinational organization who facing extreme pressure from the rapid changes in globalization. It also enhance the sharing of learning and innovation towards all business units and of course the corporate headquarters still being at the center of this model. For example, if one of the business units developed an effective solution towards the payment problem, that solution can be shared quickly to the other units worldwide. Thus, the problem can be resolved quickly and effectively without consuming much time moreover, it is shared across the world.


1.      Beaman, K., & Walker, A. J. (2000). Globalizing HRIS: The New Transnational Model. IHRIM, 30-43.

2.      Raymond McLeod, J., & DeSanctis, G. (1995). A Resource-Flow Mode of the Human Resource Information System. Information Technology Management, Volume VI, 1-15.


Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi waBarakatuh~


The name of this blog owner as stated in Identification Card is NURSYAZWANI BINTI SULAIMAN with birth date of December 10th in 1991.

Was cutely born at Kg. Serom 8, Muar, Johor and raised healthily in Perak, Johor, Pahang and recently in Selangor.

As the eldest in the family, to show a good attitude and behavior towards the younger ones is a must!! I need to show, teach and lead them to be a better person in their life and at the same time, it also help me to correct and polish myself to become a good person in the future. Mom and Dad also put their hope on me to be a successful person in life as it will open my younger siblings’ eyes about the important of success and have a strong faith in ALLAH SWT in doing their own responsibility.

As for myself, I hope I can be a better person in the eyes of my parent and my family also a perfect servant for the ONE and ONLY ALLAH SWT.